Sunflower wreath with text - Take the November Remember & Reconnect Challenge
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Remember and Reconnect Challenge

I plan to do something a little different this autumn. I hope you’ll join me and and take the November Remember & Reconnect Challenge.

Initially, I just issued this challenge on a few social media outlets. However, there was such a favorable response, I thought I’d share here as well. Because the more people who choose to do this, the better.

Everyone needs someone to care. It’s been a challenging year for everybody. If not physically, then emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

The Remember and Reconnect Challenge

I want to challenge us all to remember and reach out to folks this month. Go through our list of contacts. Each day reach out to someone we’ve not talked with in awhile and reconnect.

Regardless of where people stand on the world’s issues–isolating and distancing has taken a toll on us all. Let November be the kickoff month to remember and reconnect with the people God has brought into our lives.

Remember to reach out to those relatives, friends, and neighbors we’ve not touched base with for several weeks, even months.

The world will always offer negativity. Let’s offer something different. Encourage and uplift them.

I’ve added free graphics under the “Resources” tab if you’d like to use them when you reach out to someone.

Shows hand holding mobile phone with words on it: Go through your list of contacts. Who have you not talked to in awhile? Shows various people above phone.
November Remember & Reconnect Challenge

Ideas for Reconnecting

When you reach out to reconnect with someone, consider doing one of these “Re” things:

  • Remember a special moment.
  • Retrace a journey.
  • Reconsider an offer.
  • Reconcile.
  • Rekindle a friendship.
  • Recommend a good place to meet and eat.
  • Recall all the reasons you appreciate this person.
  • Recap your last funny incident.
  • Re-gift, repurpose, or reach in your wallet to meet a need.
  • Reopen a “door” that has been closed.
  • Repay what you owe.
  • Relinquish what you borrowed.
  • Refuel them with encouragement.
  • Relay what’s been on your heart.
  • Reconnect and rejoice in this moment.
Shows envelope full of sunflowers with text: Who will you remember to reconnect with in November?
Who will you reconnect with in November?

Remember to Reconnect and Share with Us

I’d love to hear who you reconnected with–not names, but general info such as “I called a relative” or “I met a former work colleague for lunch.”

Tell us something good about your reconnection. It’ll be nice for us all to read something positive, even if it’s simply “We had a great talk.”

What do you think? Will you accept this challenge? It’s okay if you’re jumping in late, or even if you accept this challenge several months from now.

Remembering to reach out and reconnect with people is always in season!

Sally Matheny bio photo
Sally Matheny

A freelance writer, Sally Matheny’s writing is published in worldwide, national, regional, online and print publications including AppleseedsClubhouse Jr., Homeschooling Today, and The Old Schoolhouse.

As a writer, blogger, and speaker, Sally encourages parents to live victorious and to courageously tell the next generation wondrous things. Connect with her on several social media sites, but her favorite hangouts are at and Pinterest.

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  • J.D. WIninger

    While I would like to think I do this regularly, if I’m honest I seldom get beyond checking in with the folks on m daily prayer list. You’ve caused me to pause and think this morning about people from my past (old friends, schoolmates, former co-workers, etc.) that I can reach out to. Love this idea ma’am. Thank you; and God’s blessings.

    • Sally Matheny

      Hi, J.D.
      Many days it’s all we can do to reconnect with our own families! And, like you mentioned, we reach out to those at church and on our prayer lists.
      One of the things that prompted me to do this was due to something that happened last month.

      For some reason, a friend I had made at my first writing conference in 2012, came to my mind one day. We immediately connected at that conference and I treasured her. We touched base with one another for several years but then life got busy for us both and we lost contact with one another.
      When I tried to locate her via Facebook, I learned she had passed away this past summer.

      It saddened me, so I decided I was going to make a better effort to reconnect with people.

  • Kathy

    This is such an amazing challenge and could rekindle a lot relationships. I try to still write snailmail notes and cards on a regular basis, but your challenge encourages me to reach farther outward, and your practical re’s are great ideas! Thank you, Sally!

    • Sally Matheny

      Hi, Kathy! I love “snailmail notes and cards.” There is something special about someone taking time to handwrite a note. It’s thoughtful and personal.
      I’m glad you’re reaching out even further with this challenge!