
The Winner of the Children’s Book–More Giveaways Ahead

We have a winner! Congratulations to Melinda Roberts on winning A Night of Great Joy by Mary Engelbreit. Melinda, I’ll contact you about directions of where I should mail your book.

Thanks to all of you who shared your Christmas ideas. You’ll have several other chances to win books this month.
Right now, author, Carrie Daws, is offering five copies of her book, The Warrior Bride: Biblical Strategies to Help the Military Spouse Thrive to one of my blog readers. You can find out more about this fantastic giveaway on this week’s post.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you won these to give to military wives or to donate to churches and libraries? Carrie is selecting a winner on Nov. 18, 2016, so read her great article on my blog and get in on that drawing.

Also, in about two weeks, I’ll be reviewing an awesome journal Bible and I’m giving one away. It’s a NKJV and one of those that has room on the side of every page where you can journal or illustrate what you’re meditating on in God’s Word.

I’m thankful for the publishers and authors who donate these books to my readers.

Also, I’m thankful for you, dear friend. I appreciate your involvement here and the encouragement you share with others.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows.”
James 1:17

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